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Receta Coriander Mint Juice | Coriander Mint Lemonade | Coriander Cooler | Cilantro Mint Cooler | Detoxifying Drink
by Divya Pramil

Coriander and mint together makes a refreshing drink, not only does it freshen you up but it cleanses your whole system by detoxifying. This drink acts as a blood purifier and makes your system healthy and clean, a better fact is, it helps in weight management too. Have it atleast thrice a week to get a glowing and healthy skin, a clean bowel and a healthy system. Both the greens, mint and cilantro have numerous health benefits which cannot be discussed in a nutshell, but still I'd try to atleast highlight its important health benefits. Mint (Pudhina) has been familiar as the zing/flavoring ingredient that helps to make delicious dishes or as refreshing ingredient in mouth fresheners, whereas we know coriander as just a garnishing ingredient, but they have much more to offer. Mint helps to get rid of digestive disorders, cold, is a quick remedy for nausea, is an excellent skin cleanser, boosts immune power, promotes oral care, helps fight cancer. Similarly, cilantro has loads to offer too. It is rich in iron content hence helps fight against anemia, a good source of antioxidants, vitamins and dietary fiber, creates a healthy digestive system, acts as a cleansing agent, and my most favorite part is, it helps in reducing acne too!! So obviously, you can guess how the green combo would work!! I have added sugar here as I like the drink that way more, but it is purely optional. To get the best out of the drink you can should avoid sugar and replace it with salt. To give the drink a zing, I've added chat masala, you can indeed skip this too. And how could I forget about the addition of ginger and lemon to the drink!! They highlight the drink even more in means of flavor and health, lemon adds a tang and ginger adds a punch. From reading about all the health benefits one would guess it as a freaky medicinal drink, and I don't think that the color is appetizing either, but I assure you it will taste good and refreshing. Now how'd you know that without trying?


Makes drink for one

Total Preparation Time - 5 minutes


Wash coriander leaves and mint leaves well in water.

Add coriander leaves, mint leaves, ginger (scrape off the skin), 2 cups of water (preferably chilled water) into a blender and blend well.

Squeeze lemon juice into the drink, strain and add chat masala, amchoor powder and sugar. Stir well.

Add ice-cubes and serve!!

TIP 1: You can skip sugar and add salt instead if you are health conscious.

TIP 2: Chat masala gives a punch to the drink but you can avoid it too.

TIP 3: If you want the complete benefit from the drink, don't strain it. Just blend and drink it, so that you do not lose the fibers.

TIP 4: If you do not like much of the mint and coriander flavor you can dominate it by adding some extra lemon and dilute with more water, to make it more of a lemonade.

A super punchy flavorful and healthy drink is now ready!! It is super refreshing, try it and you'll know!!