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Receta Garlicky Salad Dressing
by Anne

If you haven’t had the opportunity to try the Garlicky Kale at your local Whole Foods, I highly recommend that you do the next time you visit their food bar, especially if you love garlic and kale. One of the Whole Foods stores in my area sells the dressing in a bottle, but they don’t always have it in stock. Not too long ago I was craving the dressing, which by the way tastes delicious on any kind of salad, so I turned to Google to find the recipe. Many versions of the Garlicky Kale Salad came up in the results. I played around with the many versions that were online and I came up with my own version. I usually keep shredded kale in my fridge, and for a quick lunch I grab that, and whatever else I have in the fridge, which is usually one or more of these; some shredded cabbage, carrots, avocado, chick peas, sesame seeds, left over whole grains and top with a spoonful of the dressing. Here is my version — it yields about a cup and will keep in the refrigerator for about a week.

Here’s my version:

Garlicky Salad Dressing



Simple and Savory