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Receta Pork Tenderloin Stuffed with Mushrooms, Nuts!
by Katie Zeller

I love stuffing pork tenderloins.

They’re easy to slice open for stuffing, they cook quickly and stay moist.

And they absorb the flavors from the stuffing nicely.

I’d actually planned on mon mari doing the cooking on the barbecue, but with the short days and cool nights we have officially, completely, switched to winter cooking.

So long, summer…..

Pork Tenderloin Stuffed with Mushrooms

Total time: 45 minutes


1 tbs sherry


Heat 1 tbs olive oil in medium skillet over medium heat. Add mushrooms, shallots, garlic, ham, walnuts and sauté for 7 – 8, until starting to brown and soften

Add sage and sauté briefly.

The pork: Butterfly pork tenderloin – cut it in half lengthwise leaving 1/4 inch intact along the edge, so that you can open it like a book.

Open it and give it a couple of whacks with a meat mallet so that it lies flattish… or pound lightly with the edge of a plate. You just want it to be flat and easy to work with.

Spread mushroom mixture on one side of pork about 1/8 inch from the edge.

Fold other side over and tie with kitchen string. Cut five 6 inch lengths of string and wrap around pork and tie every 2 inches – making certain that you do one as close to each end as possible.

Mix paprika, herbes, sherry and oil.

Spoon over the pork.

Place pork in a roasting pan and roast in 400F (200C) oven for 25 minutes.

Remove and let rest for 5 minutes.

Remove string, slice and serve.

We’re not having a good walnut year.

We have both walnut and hazelnut trees here like we did in the Vendée.

In the Vendée I used to walk down through the orchard to the nut trees and gather nice, clean nuts free of husks. It was a pleasant job and I didn’t even have to wear gloves.

Here, in the Lot et Garonne, which is filled with walnut and hazelnut orchards (as well as apple and plum orchards) my harvest is not as nice.

My hazelnuts, for the most part, are small and wormy. I’m told that the big orchards spray because the hazelnut worms are a huge problem in this area.

I’m not going to bother spraying my tiny hazelnuts.

My walnuts are infested with black fly. I’m told one can spray for that as well, but our walnut trees are huge.

It doesn’t actually damage the nut, but the outer husk is black and slimy. The husk is supposed to be green, crack open when the nut is ready, and the clean nut falls out.

I should be so lucky….

The ground is littered with black slimy husks that have to be pulled off the equally black nut. About half of the nuts are good, the rest are host to worms, ants or other insects.

And to top it off, the harvest is very small this year.

I’m going to have to actually buy nuts to supplement our basket.

The nuts are our snack food. I keep a basket-full on the counter. I figure by the time one cracks the nut and picks out the meat the urge to snack may have dissipated.

Think of how many potato chips one could eat in the same amount of time….

Last update on October 29, 2014