Acerca de mí
I am a wife, mother, friend, daughter, sister,student, teacher, home-keeper and cook!
Thankfully cooking, to me, isn't just a chore I must do daily. Cooking is a chance to express creativity, experiment, explore, share hospitality, nurture good food!! My husband and I both enjoy cooking and are sharing this enjoyment with our daughter. She was turned on to the fun of cooking together when we read the book 'How to Make an Apple Pie and See The World' by Marjorie Priceman.
The words of another really express my thoughts on cooking best.....
"Therefore cooking as an art- 'Hidden Art', if you want to call it so- should be recognized and then developed in everyone who has to cook, wants to cook, or could cook! Cooking should not be thought of as a drudgery, but as an art." (said by Edith Schaeffer in the book 'Hidden Art'.)
Influencias de Cocina
The flavors most found on our table speak of the influences that shape how and what we cook. The flavors of southern cooking (USA) speak of the influence of Granny, Daddy and Momma. The flavors of India/Pakistan speak of time spent in this beautiful part of the world and how that has influenced what shows up on our table day to day. Though these things have influenced how we cook and what we enjoy most we LOVE to experiment and explore!