Creador: Frank Fariello

A three part series on authenticity

Frank Fariello
Frank Fariello 12 de Febrero de 2011

If you want to know where I'm coming from when I started this group, check out this three part series from on my blog, On Authenticity:

(Part 1): Types of Italian cooking:

Part II: Learning to Tell Real from Fake:

Part III: Making Authentic Italian Food At Home:

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Jann from PA
Jann from PA Lunes, 07 de Marzo de 2011 a las 11:35 AM
Re: A three part series on authenticity

Enjoyed the series very much, thanks! One questions about eating spaghetti, please. We learned years ago to eat spaghetti from a bowl, with it twirled arounds a fork using a larger that T-spoon. Is that Italian? We weren't in Italy long enough to observe whether it was or not. Thanks!

Frank Fariello
Frank Fariello Martes, 08 de Marzo de 2011 a las 02:26 PM
Re: A three part series on authenticity

@Jann from PA: Yes, absolutely! It's very important to eat pasta in a bowl, not from a flat plate. This does two things: it 'cradles' the pasta so you can twirl it easily with a fork (assuming you're eating spaghetti or another long pasta) and second, because the pasta is together, it stays warmer for longer.

On the other hand, you should *never* use a spoon to help twirl your spaghetti--that is if you're over say 6 years old. Considered bad form--or just plain funny, a bit like an adult riding a tricycle or using training wheels on their bicycle!

A pasta bowl is not, however, the kind of thing you'd use for oatmeal. It is rather shallow and wide, almost a deep plate. If you're visited my blog, you'll see the kind of bowl I mean. But having been to Italy, I suppose you know...

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