Creador: Claudia lamascolo

New Member ... brief introduction

Hello... I am Jean Nowak, a 70 year old (yikes!) retired English teacher. Although diabetic, I still love the whole baking experience - sights, sounds, smells, feelings, etc. , so I began a tradition of putting out baked goods for my neighbors every Saturday morning in my apartment complex. Cookies seem to be a real top favorite. Many of these people hadn't tasted a real homemade cookie in their lives! I can't really eat my stuff, and I hate diabetic recipes (they can't fool me!), but it's all right . I had the fun of mixing it, shaping it, decorating it, etc. I look forward to getting to know some people here.

Hello Jean
I apologize for taking so long to respond to you, I don't sign in often and I am just learning to navigate the entire site. Welcome if is wonderful to get to know you.
All my best,

Hello from Arkansas. Love to cook and really love trying new cookie recipes for my family.
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