Dessert choice first or Main course?

Foodessa 08 de Mayo de 2010

I just joined this group mainly because I am definitely a quality dessert junkie! I don't like my treats overly sweet...just enough to put a great big smile on my face ;o))
I was wondering if anyone else out there chooses their dessert off of a restaurant menu before deciding what they shoud eat as their main meal???
I'd love to hear your thoughts on this...I am so distinctive?
Flavourful wishes, Claudia

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Claudia lamascolo
Claudia lamascolo Sábado, 08 de Mayo de 2010 a las 01:18 PM
Re: Dessert choice first or Main course?

I always look at dessert first when I go on a cruise, omg I am such a pig I order at least three on the but I do like the fluffy light ones with fruits and nuts....oh yum!

Foodessa Domingo, 09 de Mayo de 2010 a las 12:28 AM
Re: Dessert choice first or Main course?

Hi Claudia...that's too funny.
When Hubby and I went on our last cruise...we just couldn't wait for the 4P.M. Dessert and Coffee event of the day.
Even when we were touring...we actually shamefully planned our activities around trying to get back on the ship on time!
We missed 2 out of 9 afternoon delights...not too shabby.
Thanks for sharing your experience, Claudia

Hungry Jenny
Hungry Jenny Domingo, 08 de Agosto de 2010 a las 03:23 PM
Re: Dessert choice first or Main course?

I love desserts and I know this is a dessert group - but I always choose my main first! Though I do look at the desserts as well to see what the selection is nice to determine whether to get a dessert or a starter.

Hungry Jenny x

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