Creador: Salad Foodie


A.L. Wiebe
A.L. Wiebe 24 de Enero de 2012

My mother is diabetic, my uncle (mom's brother) is many people I know are diabetic, and I've been getting many emails about diabetes...maybe it's time to pay attention! lol. I see a bunch of great recipes on this site that would be good for just about anyone. Here I am, I'm paying attention, so let's rock!

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Salad Foodie
Salad Foodie Martes, 24 de Enero de 2012 a las 06:42 PM
Re: Diabetes

Yes A.L. ~ A doctor once said to my brother, "With your family history it isn't a matter of 'IF' (you'll get diabetes), it's a matter of 'WHEN' ." Diabetes is rampant in my family, and many close family members who've made it to social security age have it - me included. I eat healthy for sure, but the Sweet Demon is certainly out there and the Portion Distortion phenomenon of the times compromise my good intentions. You are wise to keep a handle on this.

Robyn Savoie
Robyn Savoie Sábado, 07 de Septiembre de 2013 a las 02:44 PM
Re: Diabetes

I'm so glad I found this group. This disease runs in my family too. I have co-workers and friends who have it too. I have quite the recipe collection with a handful that are Diabetes minded. I will add them here. I'm on a mission to see if I can convert some of my favorites to be more Diabetic friendly.

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