Creador: Tamara

Hi Everyone

Tamara 28 de Febrero de 2009

Hey everyone, i am new to this site and am really enjoying it.I am a new mom and started eating clean about 2 months ago.My son is 10months and 2 weeks and i am trying to keep him eating clean.No chemicals or preservatives.This is harder than it looks, seeing how ore country is full of fast food and easy to make in a box meals.If anyone has any good eat clean recipes feel free to share.i will also try to post a few as well.Talk to ya all soon.

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John Spottiswood
John Spottiswood Jueves, 12 de Marzo de 2009 a las 06:28 AM
Re: Hi Everyone

Hi Tamara...great idea for a group! I'll start sharing recipes here when I find good ones that are "clean". You might want to also join the "Eat to Live" group I started. I've posted a lot of very nutritious and healthy recipes there that are largely meat, chemical, and preservative free.

Stephanie James Pugh
Stephanie James Pugh Domingo, 28 de Marzo de 2010 a las 06:39 PM
Re: Hi Everyone

Hi, Tamara! This is exactly the group I was searching for =)
I am looking forward to sharing recipes here!

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