Creador: Chef Smith

July 17 - National Peach Ice Cream Day

Its a cool, peachy keen day.
Peaches are one of the best flavors of the summer season. People wait for about 48 weeks for the peach harvest to ripen. And, when it does, for a few short weeks, its "peach everything"! In celebration of the harvest, the ice cream companies make peach ice cream. Its hard to find other times of the year. Most major ice cream makers only produce it during the summer. (It kinda makes you yearn for the old days of HOJO's 28 Flavors!)
Peach Ice cream is the way to go today. Enjoy it on an ice cream cone, in an ice cream soda, in a sundae, or simply in a dish.
You'll find Peach Ice Cream Day is the real scoop!
Ice Cream Pie
1 baked pie shell
Peach ice cream
fresh fruit, nuts, whipped cream
First, fill a baked pie shell with peach ice cream.
Now be creative and decorate the top. Add some sliced fresh peaches and toasted nuts to the top and a dollop of whipped cream!
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