Creador: Chef Smith

July 18 - National Caviar Day

National Caviar Day suggests that something fishy is going on today. Just what's all the roe about this day!?
Caviar is salted fish eggs, or "roe". It is considered a delicacy. Caviar is enjoyed by the upper class, and those of us who occasionally can afford a little, just so we can say that we had some. Russian Caviar is reputed to be the very best, most sought after of all caviars. There's red caviar and black caviar, along with other colors. Black is considered the best. Perhaps you should do a taste test.
The most prestigious, and best caviar comes from sturgeon found in the Caspian Sea. But, other fish, including whitefish and salmon, are less expensive alternatives.
Which caviar truely tastes the best? We'll let you be the judge.
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