Creador: Kaiz

Hang Over: How to counter it!

The best cure for a hangover, as we all know, is abstinence or moderate drinking.
Well one way is stay drunk and you wont be hung over! But seriously, one more drink is a good way to avoid a hangover if the drink is something like a Bloody Mary. The non-alcoholic cures are fruit cocktails because they hydrate you and energize you just like a hot soup.
If you are reading this section, you haven’t taken my advice of drinking in moderation. Here are some cures. Try them at your own risk. Well, there's nothing to lose... you can’t feel any worse than you already are!
- The Swiss take a sip of brandy with a dash of peppermint as a hangover cure.
- The Italians prefer eating olives and tomatoes.
- The French drink onion soup !
- The Spanish love their Gazpacho -- A blended tomato and vegetable soup served cold.
Vitamin B - Try taking Vitamin B before you begin your big night out. This will build a reserve of Vitamin B in your system. There are also some anti hangover pills that prevent you from getting too tipsy!
Vitamin C - orange juice, tomatoes and/or a 500mg Vitamin C tablet.
Drink fruit juices - Most fruit juices contain sugar (fructose) and this will help burn the alcohol left in your body.
Water - Before going to your big night out, we recommend drinking between three to six glasses of water. Also, the perfect way to pace yourself is to take some water after every drink. If you have not had the opportunity to drink water before and if you do not alternate your drinks with water, then drink as much as you can before you sleep.
Food - Beans, rice, cereal and nuts all contain Vitamin B1, which will help metabolize the alcohol in your system. Having a full stomach when you are drinking helps to slow down the effects of alcohol and reduce the severity of a hangover.
A hot shower is good too get rid of the toxins, a soak in the tub can be good too but don’t end up falling asleep in there!
For a ‘splitting’ headache - try herbal oils or ointments with menthol which can be applied on the forehead and temples, these will increase the blood flow to your brain.
For an ‘upset’ stomach - Try herbal teas - Ginseng and Ginger tea with a dash of lemon too.
It is also good to drink sports drinks like Gatorade, Powerade, etc. It’s meant to hydrate your body and replenish electrolytes, sugar and other nutrients in your body.
So now that you are armed with enough information to battle that hangover... let's go get a drink!
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