Creador: Amos Miller

What we could do is...

Another way to take this group is to post recipes using sausages of any type as a part of the recipe.
I rather think we are almost howling into the wind by asking for recipes for making the actual sausage - although I, personally, love all types of well-constructed homemade sausages and believe that sausage making is as important to a chef as is baking or pastry making. Every skill we develop increases our imaginative powers in creating new or improved dishes, menus, product, dinners for our families.
I have 25 recipes on my Scandinavian Group site, yet only two people are interested enough to join. Not good. So, how about it, every on of us can post a recipe that includes some form of sausage, so why don't we start there? Looking for comments.
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I Never Saw Such Sausage!
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