Creador: Nancy Miyasaki
Hello, friends - Can someone tell me exactly how I delete email addresses on the recipe posting thread for people / places I don't want to receive notice (like CES's email) and then, how can I create the list I DO wanrt to receive the recipe. I've tried the email import button and always get the same list, same results. I have assumed that 'Follows' get the notification when we post (I get all yours), but I have a couple of followers who are getting nothing or occasionally. Thanks - Amos
Hi Amos...all of your followers should get all of your recipe notifications...unless they have changed their email settings. The default is to get a daily digest. They can choose a weekly digest or no email notification at all. If the people they follow post more than 5 recipes, they have to click a link to see more than the first five. You can't change this. It is controlled entirely by the followers. You can control what notifications you not following someone. It is controlled here:
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