Creador: Karim El-Khazen

100 Lebanese Recipes

Hi everyone!
Check out LebGuide's iPhone/iPod Touch app and bring the delicious taste and richness of the Lebanese cuisine to your home - enjoy 100 of the finest Lebanese recipes and experience the flavor of the Orient.
The huge variety of dishes includes among others traditional salads, starters, meat, chicken, fish and vegetarian dishes as well as famous desserts. It will allow you to prepare typical Lebanese menus and surprise your family and friends. All recipes are decorated with high quality pictures to give you an upfront idea of what you are just about to cook.
Main functionalities included in this app:Browse recipes by category and name
Check out recipes through overwhelming pictures
Search by name, description & ingredients
Mark and retrieve your favorite dishes
Calculate and convert different liquid or fixed units
Browse a wide glossary of cooking terms
You can also discover a new recipe every day, shake your device to get a random recipe, share and comment the recipes on Facebook, tell your Twitter network about the recipes you like, recommend the recipes by email to your friends, and last but not least, always access all the content (no internet connection required).
Recipes collection include for example Ahweh, Baklawa, Falafel, Fatayer, Hommos, Kafta, Kebbe, Knefeh , Labneh, Maamoul, Manakish, Rkakat, Samak bi Tahini, Sambousek, Sharab el Wared, Shawarma, Shish Kabab, Shish Taouk, Tabbouleh, Tahini, Taratour… and much more!
Download our app now and become a fan of Lebanese cooking with 100 of the finest recipes!
Check out the 100 recipes you can get in the App and preview some of them @
Bon Appetit!
The Team
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