Creador: Frank Fariello

Welcome, friends!

A lot of new cooks have joined this group. Welcome everyone!
Hope you enjoy this group dedicated to the cooking of Naples and Campania, home to some of Italy's most famous dishes and ancestral home of my paternal grandmother, who hailed from Apice Vecchio in the province of Benevento.
So many Italian-Americans come from this part of Italy and so much of Italian-American cooking is based on its cuisine. The typical Italian-American lasagna is a version of lasagna di carnevale, for example
But this group is dedicated to the original McCoy, the cooking of the Old Country.
Hello Frank,
Thank you for this group, I'm hoping to find some beautiful Old Country recipes to use here at home. I do so wish things were the way they were back then.

Hello Frank,
This group sounds interesting and cant wait to check out the various recipes !

Thank you,Frank! I once made the Leek Soup recipe that you posted. It was wonderful! I haven't been here in awhile, but will try to more! I love Italian food!

Thank You Frank, so happy to have found you and this site. My grandmother was from Naples so I can't wait to see and try out your recipes.I hope that I can add to the group also.
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Mozzarella in carrozza
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