Creador: Linda Cantwell

rib eye time?

Linda Wisniewski 20 de Abril de 2014

I have been all over the internet and can not find the min per pound and level to cook a rib eye for med rare..Anyone??

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Tim Viernes, 26 de Diciembre de 2014 a las 06:22 AM
Re: rib eye time?

It's all about the cooking temp. Get a digital thermometer to know for sure where the meat temp is at. For me medium rare is around 145.. I don't want to hear it moo when I cut in. I spray my steak the last few minutes of cooking to get it browned. If you run the nuwave on high 3 minutes before putting in the meat you can even achieve some grill lines ( kind of ). For rubbed steaks I have put the oven on level three and extended cooking time using the short grill then brown at the end by spraying pam on the meat and removing the ring and flip to the tall grill so the meat is closer to the high heat.

Here is a chart I found. ( Not necessarily for the NuWave )

Rare: 120° to 125°F (Center is bright red, pinkish toward the exterior portion).

Medium Rare 130° to 135°F (Center is very pink, slightly brown toward the exterior portion).

Medium 140° to 145°F (Center is light pink, outer portion is brown).

Medium Well 150° to 155°F (No pinkness)

Well Done 160°F and above (steak is uniformly brown throughout).

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