Creador: Linda Cantwell

Spiral Ham

mamager811 18 de Octubre de 2010

Does anyone know how many minuets per lb. you cook a spiral ham in a Nuwave

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Marion Martes, 02 de Noviembre de 2010 a las 04:08 PM
Re: Spiral Ham

I would cook a spiral ham about 5 minutes per pound...but just check it. If you have a 5 lb ham, frozen 40 minutes.. 20 each side. Defrosted, 20 minutes..10 each side..just to give you an idea. We just had a spiral ham and cooked it till the top was very brown and crispy, turned it over so the bottom was just as brown and just as crispy. I didnt add any of the glaze that usually comes with. It was delicious just the way it was.

mamager811 Miércoles, 03 de Noviembre de 2010 a las 01:20 PM
Re: Spiral Ham

Thank You Very much!

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