Creador: Linda Cantwell

Cooking Time

I've had a lot of experience with the American Harvester brand. Because of the frozen cooking feature, I purchased a Nu Wave, and It's fantastic. Use the time sheet as a guide. I suggest t if in doubt, under cook . You can always add time.
When I get more time, I plan to share some recipes.
Remember to keep a cheat sheet on the times you find good.
I keep file cards for meat, veggies, etc.
I find a lot of help on Google by entering Nu Wave, and the recipe I'm looking for.

Thanks Mother Elf,
I'll keep looking. BYW, I make elf doors. LOL! I just closed my website down due to extravagant expenses, but if you're ever interested in purchasing an elf door for your kitchen, you know where to find me. :-)
Take care,
Helen, Head Elf at The Elf Door

So Mother Elf, have you had a chance to put together some of your recipes? I am having a terrible time with cooking meat in my NuWave, it either comes out to rare for my liking or to dry...(over cooked). I'm not real happy with my oven...I guess I am using it wrong.
April in Olando
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NuWave Oven Users
![]() Jay E Weaver Sr
East Berlin, Pa
[email protected] |