Creador: Elena Jimenez

easiest recipe to prepared....

michelle paed
22 de Febrero de 2010
joined how to cooked foods easily when i was at home... specially for my family & friends,,,,,thank you & more recipes to shares & joined COOK EAT SHARE!!!

John Spottiswood
Martes, 23 de Febrero de 2010 a las 07:19 PM
Re: easiest recipe to prepared....
Glad you joined, Michelle. Hope you'll add some great recipes!
Jueves, 06 de Junio de 2013 a las 12:43 PM
Re: easiest recipe to prepared....
Hi I'm new to this group, I'm a Spanish chef and I come to learn from your recipes, also recipes I want to show my country ...
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Quick and Easy Professional Recipes
We've selected the easiest recipes to prepare from award-winning professional chefs that have posted on our site. These are battle-tested recipes created in some of the finest kitchens nation-wide. We found that we could recreate these recipes quickly and easily at home. If you find other professional recipes, feel free to post them and share!
Creador del Grupo

Santa Clara, CA (Estados Unidos)
Inscribió Lunes, 17 de Marzo de 2008
Cocinero Principiante