Creador: Robyn Savoie
Rhubarb Recipes
Robyn Savoie
13 de Septiembre de 2013
I came to realization. I have 35 different recipes containing rhubarb, mostly desserts. Only 5 of them are main dish. Here in the United States, I guess we do use this vegetable like it's a fruit. LOL
I have been making digital copies of my recipes and found the rest of them containing rhubarb. I will be posting them shortly.
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Rhubarb...Vegetable or Fruit?
Rhubarb technically is a vegetable. In the United States it's considered a fruit because we use it more like one and the tariffs are lower for fruit than vegetables.
Creador del Grupo
Wisconsin, Estados Unidos
Inscribió Viernes, 31 de Mayo de 2013
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