Creador: Wendi Taylor

Thanksgiving Stories

My son and daughters decided to treat me to Thanksgiving one year. We would even have it at my son's house (he was single at the time). They still wanted me to bring the dressing and gravy so I ended up having to cook a turkey anyway since I use the drippings and some of the meat in both. When I got there my oldest daughter had been to Sams and bought a smoked turkey and a BUNCH of desserts. That was fine because the turkey was fully cooked but she didn't start thawing it out until that morning. Yep it was still frozen. Thank God for microwaves. My son had decided to surprise me by making a chocolate pie. His 1st. He used a pie shell that had to be baked, a CAN of pudding/pie filling and cool whip. Problem was he put it all together and then put it in the oven to 'cook.' Boy what a mess he had. After I got there, dinner came together, we had a great meal and lots of fun mistakes to now laugh at.

I've done some doozies as I stumble around trying to figure out how to bring together those wonderful holiday meals that we see in the movies. I've come to the conclusion, however, that the mistakes are what bring us together and make it real.
One year my grandmother, who was suffering from Alzheimers, put the turkey in the dryer instead of the oven and forgot to buy anything she needed to cook the side dishes. Thanksgiving largely came out of boxes and cans that year.
And then there's the time in college that I cooked Thanksgiving dinner for my housemates using only a microwave (the only cooking appliance we were allowed to have in the dorm). I should detail those recipes some time, LOL.
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