My hands are big and clumsy.....

Michael Swiney
Michael Swiney 21 de Enero de 2013

But, I can dance and sing!.....Seriously though, I used to box. I also broke just about every knuckle on both hands....HEY! I never said I was smart, just a boxer. This has left me in my old age with big, clumsy hands. I have big trouble with finer movements and can not ice a cake or pinch together anything small, like won-tons or ravioli. Anyone have any ideas on how I can make subtle movements easier in the kitchen?

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Judi Uvick
Judi Uvick Lunes, 21 de Enero de 2013 a las 11:40 PM
Re: My hands are big and clumsy.....

Have you tried an off-set spatula to frost a cake, or perhaps a small spatula. Also, a silicon spatula might help. Use a fork to seal ravoli and the like. Do you have a kid you can enlist? %^)

Jann from PA
Jann from PA Martes, 22 de Enero de 2013 a las 01:35 PM
Re: My hands are big and clumsy.....

It takes time to figure out how you can do things differently. Look for large handled kitchen gadgets for people with arthritis. Lots of specialty stuff out there. Also, look for a pastry rolls over the two pieces of dough! Or use a small plate or saucer to do it. Or, as Judi said, get some help. I'm teaching my grandkids to cook, so they do the stuff I can no longer do. I have trouble cutting up big, root veggies. And, the g-kids aren't yet old enough to use a knife (even though they may want to, LOL)...

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