Anyone know what CookEatShare Points are for?

Michael Swiney
Michael Swiney 24 de Enero de 2013

If I get 500 do I get a toaster?

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Nancy Miyasaki
Nancy Miyasaki Jueves, 24 de Enero de 2013 a las 06:58 PM
Re: Anyone know what CookEatShare Points are for?

Hi Michael...right now you just get recognition. I've thought about creating an incentive program, but then we'd need to monitor it to make sure people weren't just adding bogus recipes, reviews, pictures, etc. in order to gain points.

I'm still thinking about it, and might be willing to give it a try sometime later this year if I can figure out how to ensure it isn't abused. If you have any thoughts or ideas, or examples from other sites that do this successfully, please let me know!

Michael Swiney
Michael Swiney Jueves, 24 de Enero de 2013 a las 08:03 PM
Re: Anyone know what CookEatShare Points are for?

I like my toaster idea! Let me think on it, I'm sure I can think of something. Thank you!

Jann from PA
Jann from PA Viernes, 25 de Enero de 2013 a las 10:16 AM
Re: Anyone know what CookEatShare Points are for?

I have wondered, too. I have 511 points, and nope, no toaster, LOL! But, I'd rather have a coffee mug, or something like that (plus it would be advertisement).

Michael Swiney
Michael Swiney Viernes, 25 de Enero de 2013 a las 06:11 PM
Re: Anyone know what CookEatShare Points are for?

I used to belong to a site that had points. They were used to earn badges, like "Fire Talker" if you started 20 conversations in a group....or "Photo Journalist" if you added 30 photos...things like that. then on your profile, your badges would be displayed. It was a fun thing. Only reason I dont belong to it anymore is that it was an Iphone app and not very user friendly.

Claudia lamascolo
Claudia lamascolo Lunes, 04 de Febrero de 2013 a las 10:52 PM
Re: Anyone know what CookEatShare Points are for?

I believe that with the point you can have a wall of photos for a month that brings great traffic to the user so points by the months who has the most would be very cool...

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