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How to keep cilantro, spinach fresh in the refrigerator?

Prachi 23 de Junio de 2015

I have a trouble lately keeping fresh spinach or cilantro. Please suggest some tips

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Salad Foodie
Salad Foodie Miércoles, 24 de Junio de 2015 a las 12:30 AM
Re: How to keep cilantro, spinach fresh in the refrigerator?

Spinach doesn't give me a problem until it starts getting moisture buildup. Then I dry the container out and line the bottom with paper towels. That buys me several more days of storage. Cilantro leaves are fragile and very perishable. I try to have several uses in mind when I get it so I can make the most of it. Once again the moisture buildup causes the leaves at bottom to break down, yet it needs a certain amount of moisture to thrive. I sort through every few days and scrap the wilted and darkening leaves before they become a problem. It is truly a labor of love to keep these veggies going for us!

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