cinnamon rolls much needed advice

annie 03 de Febrero de 2011

Ok I've been trying my hand at cinnamon rolls
I do loaves of bread all the time so I tried to make
The cinnamon rolls ok I'm not sure how much
Cinnamon & sugar to use and they didn't rise very well
And when I took them out of the oven all the stuff had
Ran out and they were hard they were unbeatable
My husband said oh come on they can't be that bad
But yes they were I think I'm a pretty good cook but
Those rolls made me think I was a flop please any advice

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Amanda Reineke Sábado, 05 de Febrero de 2011 a las 06:43 PM
Re: cinnamon rolls much needed advice

well, Im not sure what kind of recipe you used so I cant realli give much advice. However, you can compare your recipe with this one from Paula Deen and it might give you some pointers. I have made this recipe several times when I first started baking and it turned out very well each time...

Hope this helps!

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