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Think of these as Porterhouse or T-bone steaks that have been stripped of the choice tenderloin portion. They're flavorful and fairly expensive cuts. A boneless top loin steak is called a shell steak, and a very thick shell steak is sometimes called a shell roast.

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Also known as

  • Top loin steak
  • Strip steak
  • New york steak
  • New york sirloin steak
  • Kansas city steak
  • Contrefilet
  • New york strip steak
  • Kansas city strip steak
  • Hotel steak
  • Hotel cut strip steak
  • Ambassador steak
  • Club sirloin steak
  • Strip sirloin steak
  • Shell steak
  • Shell roast


club steak OR sirloin steak OR T-bone steak OR Porterhouse steak
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