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Receta 12 Days of Christmas Cocktails: 12 Drummers Drumming
by Lauren DeSantis

On the twelfth day of Christmas my True love gave to me... 12 Drummers Drumming 1 oz apple schnapps 1 oz silver Bacardi rum equal parts cranberry juice and ginger ale Combine all of the ingredients in a shaker full of ice. Strain liquor into the martini glass. You might feel the 12 drummers drumming in your head after too many of these the night before. 11 Pipers piping, 10 Lords a leaping, 9 Ladies dancing, 8 maids a milking, 7 swans a swimming, 6 geese a laying, 5 golden rings, 4 calling birds, 3 French Hens, Two Turtle Doves and Partridge in a Pear Tree. Merry Christmas! Facebook Twitter Google+ Pinterest StumbleUpon LinkedIn