Receta 36 Isn't So Bad
So....I'm now closer to 40 than I am to 30. That's right, I had a birthday. Back at the end of February, actually. But you know what? Who cares! Age is just a number. I have never dwelled on it, and I refuse to start
Like I told someone when I was turning 30, "If I can do half the stuff in my 30s as I did in my 20s, I'll be incredibly luckily. After all, in that decade I graduated college, began my career, became a wife, became a mother and started to build a life. And now? Well, I'm a mommy all over again, so I have a lot to
This year I was lucky enough to not just get a one day celebration. It so Alex was off school the Friday before and the actual day of, so we made it a 4 day celebration!! Mr. E even took the day off…
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