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Receta 7 cup burfi – Diwali sweets
by Shanthi Muthuvel

7 cup burfi or 7 cup cake as the name indicates 7 cups of ingredients are used in preparing this yummy sweet. This is a popular Indian sweet usually prepared on special occasions like Diwali.


Yields: around 20 pieces (depends on the size of burfi)

Grease a plate to pour burfi /cake when done. You will not have time to do later as everything happens very fast.

Heat a tsp of ghee in a pan, add gram flour and fry until nice aroma comes. It takes 3 to 4 mins and then sieve it once so that there are no lumps found. Don't let gram flour to change its color.

Bring back the sieved gram flour to the same pan, add grated coconut, sugar and mix well everything. Then add milk and once again mix well without any lumps.

Finally add melted ghee and mix well. Keep stirring continuously over medium flame until you see the mixture is getting less sticky and easy to stir. Continue stirring until the mixture is not sticky anymore. Consistency should be like mysore pak or as shown in the picture, switch off the stove.

Pour this mixture in a greased plate and spread it with spatula. Garnish burfi with chopped almonds on top. Allow them to cool for 7-8 minutes and then slice them into square or diamond shape. Remove from the plate and enjoy. Notes:

If you prefer you can add 1/4 tsp of cardamom powder while adding coconut and sugar.

Always keep the flame in medium or low.

The overall process takes approximately 25 to 30 mins.

The consistency of 7 cup burfi will be same as mysore pak. Pour it immediately on greased plate and make slices after it cools down.

Since grated coconut is used in this recipe, it is better to keep this sweet in refrigerator rather than keeping it outside.

Though recipe calls for 3 cups of sugar, i prefer to use 2 1/2 cup of sugar instead.