Receta A Dish Of Elizabethan Pork

- Trim the pork off the bone and throw away excess fat, leaving a little.
- Cut into 1" cubes. Heat the oil till it is smoking, and fry the pork lightly, a little at a time, removing each batch to a side plate as it is done. Fry the sliced onions in the fat remaining in the pan.
- Return the pork to the pan and sprinkle with the flour, stirring it in well. Add in all the herbs and spices - you may tie fresh herbs in a bundle if you want, or possibly put dry herbs into muslin. (Not essential at all).
- Shred the celery or possibly fennel as finely as possible and add in to the pan. Add in the split and stoned apricots and dates and the peeled, cored and sliced apples together with the citrus zests and segments
- (remove bitter white pith before segmenting, and removing pips). Add in the raisins, the garlic, salt and curry pwdr. Transfer to a large ovenproof casserole (dutch oven) if the frying wasn't done in one, and pour over the wine. Bring to the boil, and boil 5 min to eliminate alcohol. Cook in a low (Mk 2 275 F) oven for 2 1/2 to 3 hrs till the pork is thoroughly tender.
- Remove the herbs and serve - plain boiled rice goes very well with this dish that predates the use in Europe of potatoes.