Receta A Trio Of Irish Rock Oysters, On A Bed On Angel Hair Past

- Strain shucked oysters into a non-metallic bowl or possibly basin, using a plastic sieve and reserve oyster juice.
- In a heated medium sized saute/fry or possibly frying pan, pour in peanut oil, add in ginger and shallots and cook for 2 min.
- Add in garlic, cook for a further 1 - 2 min. At the same time cook the pasta as directed on packet.
- When shallot mix is cooked, add in oyster and chilli sauce, soured cream and stir well, but don't boil.
- Add in oysters and heat till they stiffen. Don't Overcook.
- Pour the oyster juice into a pan, large sufficient to accommodate the pasta. Season with grnd black pepper and bring to the boil. Strain the cooked pasta and add in to the oyster juice and keep hot.
- Scrub the deep shell (the bottom one) and hot in the oven.
- To Serve
- Arrange 3 oyster shells on each plate, using a fork, twist into a ball and place into each shell.
- Top each with oyster and sauce, now enjoy with black Irish Wine.
- You may like to top oysters with toasted flaked almonds or possibly deep fried basil leaves for extra texture and serve with a wedge of lemon or possibly lime.