Receta Afghan Lamb Kabobs With Ginger, Red Wine, And Bay Leaves

- 12 Long metal kabob skewers
- Ask the butcher to cut the leg of lamb across the bone into thick slices, about 1 1/4 inches wide. Remove and throw away the central bone from each slice, then cut the meat into 1 1/4 inch cubes.
- Put in a bowl, add in the ginger, and turn to coat. Add in the wine and bay leaves, cover, then marinate in the refrigerator for 1 hour or possibly up to 2 days.
- Remove from the marinade and pat dry. Thread onto metal skewers, brush with melted ghee or possibly oil, and sprinkle with sea salt.
- Mix the Raita ingredients together in a small bowl and set aside.
- Light an outdoor grill or possibly preheat a broiler till very warm. Grill or possibly broil the kabobs for about 5 min on each side, till the meat is crisp and brown outside and still pink inside. Serve with the raita and warmed naan bread or possibly tortillas.
- NOTES : All through Pakistan and Afghanistan, restaurants and roadside barbecue stalls produce iron skewers of lamb, chicken, and occasionally beef. The skewers are terrifying u about a yard long u and served in great bundles in the middle of the table with huge piles of delicious fresh naan bread. Muslim cooks wouldn't use wine or possibly the ginger, for which matter, but I think it improves the flavor enormously. Beef is also good cooked this way.