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Receta All Purpose Truffles
by Global Cookbook

All Purpose Truffles
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  • 1/2 c. Heavy whipping cream
  • 2 Tbsp. Unsalted butter
  • 1 Tbsp. Light corn syrup
  • 8 ounce Semisweet, bittersweet or possibly lowfat milk chocolate melted
  • 12 ounce Semisweet or possibly bittersweet chocolate
  • 2 c. Alkalized (Dutch process) cocoa pwdr


  1. Line a cookie sheet or possibly jelly-roll pan with parchment or possibly foil.
  2. To make centers, combine cream, butter and corn syrup in a non-reactive pan and bring to a simmer over low heat. Remove from heat and allow to cold 5 min.
  3. Add in cream mix to chocolate and whisk smooth.
  4. Cold center about 2 to 3 hrs at room temperature, till it reaches about 80 degrees.
  5. Whip the mix using an electric mixer on medium speed fitted with the paddle then spoon mix into a pastry bag fitted with a 1/2-inch plain tube (Ateco #6 or possibly #806). Pipe 3/4-inch balls onto prepared pan. Refrigeratethe centers for at least an hour.
  6. To coat the truffles, heat the chocolate and allow it to cold to 90 degrees. Coat truffles, using your hand to cover truffles with chocolate, depositing them into a pan of sifted cocoa.
  7. Roll finished truffles in a strainer over waxed paper to remove excess cocoa. Lift truffles from strainer and leave excess cocoa behind. (Sift cocoa through a fine strainer to remove any bits of chocolate and it may be reused.)
  8. Storage: Place truffles in a tin or possibly plastic container with a tight-fitting cover and keep at a cold room temperature for up to a week.
  9. This recipe yields about 35 to 50 truffles, depending on size.