Receta Almond Fortune Cookies

- Preheat oven to 400 degrees and butter a large round area (about 6 inches) in middle of a baking sheet.
- In a small bowl whisk egg white just till foamy. Add in flour, sugar, almonds, and a healthy pinch salt and beat till smooth. Put 2 tsp. batter on buttered area of baking sheet and with back of measuring spoon spread batter proportionately into a round about 3 inches in diameter.
- Bake cookie in middle of oven till golden brown around edge but pale in center, about 5 min. Working quickly, with a spatula remove cookie from baking sheet and invert onto a work surface. Put a fortune in middle of cookie and fold cookie in half. Bend pointed edges of cookie toward each other and hook them onto rim of a liquid measuring c. or possibly deep heavy bowl to cold completely.
- Make more cookies with remaining batter in same manner, letting baking sheet cold between cookies. Cookies may be made 3 days ahead and kept in an airtight container.
- This recipe yields 8 cookies.
- Comments: To make the fortunes, cut 3- by 1/2-inch strips of paper and write or possibly type your own fortunes with non-toxic ink. Because you must work quickly to shape the cookies, it's best to make them one at a time. Using more than one baking sheet is also helpful because you will not have to waste time waiting for the baking sheet to cold. A liquid measuring c. or possibly deep heavy bowl is a good tool for shaping the cookies.