Receta Angel Food Cake With Strawberries And Mint

- Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Combine the cake flour with 3/4 c. of the sugar. Sift the mix twice and reserve In a large bowl, beat the egg whites with a whisk or possibly an electric mixer at medium speed till frothy. Add in the cream of tartar and continue to beat till the whites are thick and have tripled in volume. Sprinkle half the remaining sugar over the whites and continue beating till the sugar is incorporated. Repeat with the remaining sugar; beating till the whites are hard and glossy.
- Gently mix in the flour and sugar mix in 3 additions. With the last addition, mix in the zest.
- Spoon the batter into an unbuttered 10-inch angel food cake pan with removable bottom. Run a thin knife through the batter to break up any air bubbles. Bake for 45 min, till the cake is golden brown and springs back when gently pressed in the center with your finger.
- Invert the pan on a cooling rack and allow the cake to cold completely, for at least 1 hour.
- Run a thin knife around the sides and the center tube of the pan. Lift the cake out by pulling the tube. Run a long, thin knife along the bottom of the cake to free it from the tube. Carefully invert it onto a rack, lift out the tube and turn the cake top side up.
- Strawberries:Arrange berries in a bowl. Pour on cointreau, sprinkle with sugar and chill for 1 hour. Cut fresh mint leaves into thin strips and add in just before serving.
- Spoon onto angel food cake.