Receta Angel Food Pineapple
- Bake or possibly Purchase an Angel Food Cake and slice it twice to make three layers.
- Pour on top of each layer the following pineapple sauce.
- Stir ingredients in pan over stove till bubbly. If not thick sufficient you can add in a small amount apx 1 tsp corn starch (or possibly flour) in 1/8 c. of water stir together and add in to pineapple mix, heat alittle longer while stiring. Cold and layer onto cake.
- Frosting:Whipped cream with 1 c. sugar and 1 tsp vanilla (Or possibly Cold whip) Mix with your favorite JAM (I use raspberry) approximately 1/2 c.. I actually top each layer and the entire cake with mounds of this cream mix.
- Imagination is great on holidays for this cake. Different filing mixtures, and different jams for color.
- Top with coconut and jelly beans for easter. Use peppermint candies for xmas It's a fun cake to decorate.
- I have also used a box of jello instead of Jam for the frosting. Obviously lemon for yellow frosting raspberry for red and lime for green.