Receta Angel's Strawberry Cheesecake

- Put curd cheese into a mixing bowl and soften with wooden spoon. Sift in icing sugar and work in thoroughly. Stir in grated lemon rind. Whisk cream till fairly stiff and fold thoroughly into cheese. Pile mix in middle of serving plated and, using a spatula, mould and smooth into a round shape about 6 inches in diameter. Smooth the top level. Refrigeratein fridge for at least one hour. Shortly before serving spoon redcurrant jelly into saucepan and stir around to break up. Stir in lemon juice and pepper and put over low to medium heat, stirring constantly till smooth. Remove from heat.
- Take cheese base from fridge and arrange strawberries on top. Spoon redcurrant glaze over them and leave in a cold place till ready to serve.
- Not a real cheesecake at all, this is just a mix of sweetened curd cheese and cram that forms a base for glazed strawberries. An easy but deliciouspudding.