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Receta Antipasti pizza
by Becca @ Amuse Your Bouche

There’s a reason for this antipasti pizza. If you missed it in my previous post, we’ve bought a house! We’re not officially moving until the end of the month, since my husband has work commitments up here, but we finally got the keys to our new house on Monday. It’s pretty much the most exciting thing ever. The only drawback is that I now have to find the time to fit about three hours of interior design-themed Pinteresting in every day – but I’m making it work.

So, the next month is going to be spent taking our stuff to the new house a carload at a time, and trying to empty our current fridge and freezer. It’s like bloomin Narnia in there – you move twenty items out of the way, and there’s just more and more behind. Who knew two people could accumulate so much frozen food? We could probably live quite comfortably on our frozen food alone for a good decade.

The fridge is a bit of a gold mine too. My fridge always seems to gather half-used jars of things – in particular, antipasti. You know the stuff – jars of olives, marinated artichokes and sun-dried tomatoes (as well as various chutneys, jalapenos, curry paste, etc). It’s not that I don’t enjoy eating these things – completely the opposite, actually. I just like to make nice things last longer (I always eat the best part of a meal right at the end, just so I can enjoy the anticipation a little longer), so they end up sitting in my fridge for a few months while I wait for just the right occasion. Well, that time has come. There is no longer a place in my fridge for fifty jars.

So – how to use up three jars of antipasti in one fell swoop? Pizza, of course! (in fact pizza is always the answer, no matter what the question was)

This antipasti pizza is the perfect way to use up all those jars you have lingering in the door of your fridge. And because it contains so many yummy bits, it’s pretty much the best pizza ever – absolutely packed with flavour. It’s like a normal veggie pizza, but with all the vegetables that are only there for bulk removed (I’m looking at you, peppers), and even more of the best bits added.

I used a naan bread as my pizza base – I’ve still not quite mastered dough (…not that I’ve been trying very hard), and since the pizza toppings were so simple and required no pre-cooking, I wanted a base that was just as quick and easy. I also used some basil pesto instead of sauce – not only did the flavour go perfectly with the Italian-style toppings, it was also another jar that I was able to clear from my fridge. Score!

Antipasti pizza Author: Becca @ Amuse Your Bouche Recipe type: Main meal Yield: 1-2 Instructions

Place the antipasti on a couple of pieces of kitchen paper to drain any excess oil. Spoon the basil pesto onto the naan bread, and spread it around with the back of a spoon. Once you've given he artichoke hearts, sun-dried tomatoes and olives a few minutes to drain, cut them into chunks (I cut the tomatoes fairly small but left the olives and artichokes a bit chunkier). Distribute them evenly across the pizza base. Sprinkle over the cheese, and place onto a lined baking sheet. Bake at 190°C (Gas Mark 5 / 375°F) for around 20 minutes, or until the base is crispy and the cheese has fully melted. 3.2.2310

If you’re as big a pizza fan as me, give my lentil pizza a go!