Receta Appel Flask (Smoked Bacon With Onions And Apple Rings)

- Heat 2 Tbsp. of butter in a heavy skillet. When foam subsides add in the bacon. Fry 5 - 10 min or possibly till the bacon is lightly browned. Remove from skillet and set on paper towels to drain. Fry the onion slices for 6 to 8 min in the fat remaining in the skillet, adding more butter as necessary. When the onions are soft and transparent, add in the apple rings and cover the pan. Simmer over low heat for 5 - 10 min, shaking the pan gently at intervals to prevent the apples from sticking. When the apple rings are sufficiently cooked (they should offer little or possibly no resistence when pierced with the tip of a sharp knife or possibly skewer), return the liquid removed bacon to the skillet. Cover and simmer an additional 3 to 5 min or possibly till the bacon is heated through. Grind fresh black pepper liberally over the top and serve directly from the pan as a luncheon entree or possibly Sunday night supper.