Receta Applesauce Graham Cracker Torte

- On a cookie sheet or possibly in a small (8x8) pan, spread a small layer of applesauce. Place a layer of graham crackers on top of the applesauce to create a torte shape as large/small as you want. Spread another layer of applesauce on the graham crackers and continue building till the torte is ashigh as you wish. "Frost" the top (and sides, if you used a cookie sheet)
- with more applesauce; sprinkle with cinnamon and chill for 1-2 hrs.
- NOTES: I've even made a single serving of this and it doesn't need to be refrigerated for more than 15-20 min. It's especially good made with thecinnamon graham crackers, but a little higher calorie count. I also tried making this with chocolate grahams and sugar/fat-free pudding. Do not go there - not good at all!!!
- more time todescribe how to make it than to actually do it, so you can fix it on amoment's notice. I do not have any nutritional counts, but other than thegraham crackers, there isn't much to count!!