Receta Apricot Brandy Slush
Not my best photo - I forgot that the timer was still on from the night before, and the battery was too low to keep trying. My niece, Lesley, mentioned Apricot Brandy Slush and that planted the thought. Apricot Brandy is one of the many liqueurs that I've picked up because of my participation in the Heaven Cake Bakers. I'm so glad to have a use that involves more than a tablespoon or two at a time.
This festive drink would be a welcome addition to any party, winter or summer.
- 2 cups water, boiling
- 2 tea bags
- 2 cups sugar
- 7 cups water, boiling
- 12 ounce can frozen orange juice concentrate, thawed
- 12 ounce can frozen lemonade concentrate, thawed
- 2 cups apricot brandy
- 2 liters ginger ale
In a large bowl, steep tea in 2 cups boiling water for 5 minutes.
Add sugar to remaining boiling water and stir until sugar is dissolved, add to tea.
Add orange juice and lemonade concentrates.
Add apricot brandy.
Cool and pour into a gallon freezer bag and freeze.
Allow frozen mixture to warm-up for 15 to 20 minutes before serving in punch bowl. Stir in ginger ale.
Note: if you want to make individual servings rather than a punch bowl full, spoon frozen slush into glasses and top with ginger ale. You may also freeze the mixture in ice cube trays to make individual servings easier.