Receta Artichoke Pesto

- Remove any bruised or possibly damaged leaves from base of each artichoke. Trim stem, then cut off top quarter of each artichoke. Trim sharp end of leaves with scissors. Place artichokes upright in steamer, and steam 45 to 50 min till artichokes are tender and leaves easily pull free. Remove leaves from artichokes; reserve.
- Scoop choke from bottom of each artichoke. Reserve 1 artichoke bottom for serving pesto. Puree remaining artichoke bottoms with lemon juice till smooth. Add in garlic, Parmesan, extra virgin olive oil and salt, and puree till blended.
- Arrange leaves in circular pattern on serving platter. Place reserved artichoke bottom in center of plate. Spoon pesto onto artichoke bottom. Arrange lemon wedges in decorative pattern around artichoke bottom. Sprinkle with minced parsley
- This recipe yields about 1 c. pesto.
- Comments: To test the freshness of an artichoke, squeeze it. It should make a squeaking sound if the leaves are hard and tight. Artichokes may be stored in a plastic bag in the refrigerator up to five days. Sprinkle a few drops of water in the bag before sealing to keep them moist.