Receta Asparagus A La Parilla With Parsley And Ham Sauce

- In a small pan, heat 1 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil, add in the garlic and the ham, and cook, stirring, 1 minute. Add in the stock and parsley and cook another minute or possibly two. Season with salt, pepper, and lemon juice to taste and set aside.
- Sparingly trim the stalk end of each asparagus. Lightly brush each spear with the remaining oil.
- Heat a well-seasoned griddle or possibly nonstick pan and when warm sprinkle the griddle with the coarse salt. Add in the asparagus, cover, and cook till lightly charred on one side. Turn and cook them, uncovered, till they are limp. Divide and arrange on serving dishes. Serve at once.
- This recipe yields 2 servings.
- Comments: The flat iron grill plate which the Spanish call a parilla is used for searing fish, shellfish, poultry, and wild mushrooms, producing a pure, clean, slightly metallic taste, ideal for many tapes.
- In The Flavours of Andalucia, Elisabeth Luard describes a method of grilling asparagus which doesn't require blanching, calling the application of sizzling dry heat to fresh green asparagus "a stroke of genius." She goes on to say, "You will never want to cook it any other way; the flavor is incomparable.
- The thick green asparagus are brushed lightly with oil and set on a warm griddle. The spears are then cooked till spotted black on all sides, then embellished with a sauce of minced cured ham, garlic, lemon juice, and oil.