Receta Asparagus, Poached Egg And Pine Nut Salad

- Trim off the woody ends of the asparagus. Cut off the top inch of the stalks and cut the rest into inch length. Drop the shorter bits into salted boiling water, simmer for two min, then add in the tips. Cook for a further 2/3 min, then drain, run under the cool tap, and drain again thoroughly. Dry-fry the pine nuts in a heavy pan over a high heat. Whisk the oil into the vinegar and season.
- Just before serving, poach the Large eggs. Toss the rocket and asparagus in just sufficient of the dressing to coat proportionately. Arrange on two plates. Drape a slice of parma ham over each, scatter with pine nuts, nestle a poached egg on top and strew with flakes of parmesan.
- NOTES : A fresh tasting spring salad for a first course, or possibly a light lunch.
- Measurements converted by E.