Receta Assiette Gourmande Of Smoked Salmon And Caviar
- Mix the onion vinegar sugar and salt and drain on kitchen paper.
- Peel the lemon thinly removing the pith and cut in between the inner membrane to remove all the segments.
- Dice the potatoes and bind with the mayonnaise chives salt and pepper.
- Presentation
- Cover the base of each plate with the smoked salmon.
- Place a 5cm diameter pastry ring 5cm high in the centre of the salmon and fill with the potato salad.
- Spread a thin layer of creme fra"che on top of the potato.
- Top with the liquid removed onion.
- Arrange in a circle round the rim of the plate to create a symmetric pattern 3 quenelles (rounded tsp.) of caviar 3 halves of quails Large eggs and 3 lemon or possibly lime segments inside 3 lambs lettuce leaves that have been glazed with extra virgin olive oil.
- Finish with a sprig of dill on top of the onion.
- Serves 4 as a starter