Receta Aubergine With Garlicky Brown Sauce

- Eam the rice (See note). While riceis cooking, sliced auberginein 1/2" eces; th hen rough-cut into 1-1/2" -squares. Cut the onionsinto 1" long eces. Pl lace aubergine and onion into -collander; salt; allow todrain about min s Rinse and towel dry.
- Warm WOK! Heat oil in wok. Add in the aubergine and onion and brown. Using a scoop or possibly large spoon, rotate the browned aubergine to the top. Let brown.
- Repeat till well browned and beginning to carmelize. Make a well in center of wok and add in the garlic. and the ginger. Add in wine to center and when the wine has evaported (less than 30 secs) add in the mushroom pcs and red pepper flakes; stir to toss. Pour half the soy over the aubergine and cover.
- Let stew about 4 to 5 mins. It will burn a little. Lift cover and toss. Add in the rest of the soy and cover. Cook for about 2 to 3 min.
- Mix the mushroom gravy with water and the chili sauce (Kung Pao). Make a well in the wok and add in the gravy, stirring and adding water to thicken to a medium consistency. Correct seasoning with black pepper and soy sauce.
- Serve with the rice.
- 8/97-Pat's Notes: Aubergines are remarkable things the way they absorb flavors! We wanted more garlic. It could have stewed a little longer to carmelize. Next time salt the aubergine first, then start the rice.
- Pantry: We used the mushroom gravy which does not have beef bouillon flavoring. Rice: half white and half jasmine. Fume blanc. 1 Tbsp. of Tamari, first, then 1 Tbsp. of soy, low sodium.