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Receta Awesome Food Bloggers and Their Healthy-Living Secrets – Guest Post from Faith
by sanjeeta kk

courtesy; Edible Mosaic

From seducing your taste buds and letting your gastronomic juices overflow to enticing you with those delectable recipes on their blogs, they have done all this and more for long. And just when you thought you were going strong this time with your diet plans they make you go weak on your knees with those stunning food pictures of multi layered double cream frosted chocolate cake on their blog.

These stylish food boggers astonish me a lot. With so much of food temptation going around them they could have easily given a complex to any Sumo wrestler When I contacted a few food bloggers to find out their meal planning, I was surprised to know that most of them prefer a simple and healthy mix of veggies, fruits and wholegrain in their diet on any normal day.

If it is more vegan recipes for Heidi, healthy ingredients for Marla, diet friendly for Tidy Mom, wholegrain baking for Deeba, low fat cooking for Jaden and veggies & fruits for Joanne then exercise takes most of credit for the svelte & suave Jamie.

Some of the pointers that they shared are more of fresh veggies & fruits, organic products, wholegrain, no transfat and low fat in their diet which perform the magic for them. And it was then I thought of inviting these gorgeous food bloggers and share their views on healthy-living with us.

The series ‘Awesome Food Bloggers and Their Healthy-Living Secrets’ or AFBHLS is to bring forth some of the lovely food bloggers who will share their experiences on food, recipes, health and ways of cooking with you all.

Come let’s peek into their kitchen and unearth some of their secrets…

Faith from An Edible Mosaic

I introduce you all to adorable Faith, a cheerful and bubbly food blogger from New York as the first ‘AFBHLS‘. Her favorite foods are grapes, spinach, chicken makhani and her vice is Swiss dark chocolate. We have been connected with each other through our blogs for over a year, and I have always admired the freshness & healthy touch in all the recipes she posts.

Her blog An Edible Mosaic is a true celebration of food itself. She believes that we truly are what we eat and focus on real foods that sustain our bodies and minds, bring people together, and make a house a home. Let me take you over to some of her scrumptious creations in the various categories on her blog here.

The ‘Meals in a Minutes‘ series on her blog is worth every recipe if you are hard pressed for time and are looking for a healthy meal in a jiffy. The Leftover Grilled Veggie Bulgar wheat lunch is one such option for you to try;

Leftover Grilled veggie Bulgar wheat lunch Pic. courtesy;edible mosaic

She believes in moderation and thinks that there is time and place for every type of food. The ‘Health and Wellness‘ series on her blog has it all. The Oat Tea looks so refreshing and soothing!

Oat Tea Pic. courtesy; Edible Mosaic

And not to miss out on some of her exotic & marvelous baked goodies on her blog, here are the gorgeous Cherry-Vanilla cheese Danish Cup cakes for some heavenly indulgence;

Cherry-Vanilla cheese Danish Cup cakes Pic. Courtesy; Edible Mosaic

With these Healthy-living secrets in her own words, I leave you with Faith to enjoy her scrumptious veggie treat here…

Here are some things I do to keep healthy/fit:

I exercise 4-5 times a week (a mix of spinning, belly dancing, free weights, and walking).

The majority of beverages I drink is just water – it quenches my thirst the best, keeps me hydrated, and this way I don’t drink extra calories.

I eat as many whole grains, fruits, and veggies as I can.

I try to use healthy cooking methods, like poaching, roasting, or grilling when I can, and when I really need to fry or saute something, olive oil is my go-to oil. Instead of using a ton of olive oil, I like to add just a light coating to a nonstick pan (which doesn’t need a lot of oil to begin with), and I also like to add a splash of water as I’m cooking. It helps push along the cooking process, doesn’t add any calories or fat, and evaporates off as the dish cooks.

Instead of using sugar, I try to use natural sweeteners as much as possible. A few of my favorites are fresh fruit (such as mashed banana), honey, and maple syrup.

Hello to all the lovely Lite Bite readers! I’m Faith from An Edible Mosaic, and I was thrilled when the very sweet Sanjeeta asked me to do a guest post. Her blog is beautiful and full of healthy, inspiring recipes so I wanted to make something healthy and delicious to share here. I chose an eggplant dish, since it’s one of my favorite veggies…hope you all like it!

This time of year, so many different kinds of fresh, local veggies are at their peak. Eating local veggies not only helps supports your local farmers, but it also benefits you because it’s usually cheaper (since the veggies aren’t being shipped in from somewhere else…and because the middleman is eliminated), better tasting, and higher in nutrients (since the veggies are fresher). If you’re in the mood to try something new or want some inspiration, just head out to your local farmers’ market and see what they have that looks good that day…you won’t be disappointed!

My hubby is not a fan of eggplant, since he is very sensitive to its bitter flavor. The beauty of this recipe is that it serves two so I can make it for just me and have it again as leftovers the next day. But it is also easy to adjust for more servings if you have a crowd to feed.

There is a very small amount of honey in this recipe to round out the flavors. If you want to make it vegan, you can omit it or substitute another sweetener of your choice, such as maple syrup, agave nectar, or stevia.

Spaghetti with Eggplant, Basil, & Breadcrumbs

(Serves 2)


Method: Cook spaghetti to al dente according to package directions.

In a small skillet, heat 1 tablespoon of oil over low heat; add the minced very small onion and 1 clove minced garlic and cook until tender and just starting to brown (about 5 to 7 minutes), stirring occasionally. Add the bread crumbs and cook until light golden brown (about 1 to 2 minutes), stirring frequently. Stir in a pinch of salt and pepper and turn off the heat. Set aside.

In a small bowl, whisk together the balsamic vinegar, honey, 1/4 cup water, 1/2 teaspoon salt, and 1/8 teaspoon black pepper; set aside.

Heat the remaining oil in a large skillet over medium heat; add the diced medium-large onion and eggplant and cook until they’re starting to soften and brown slightly (about 5 to 7 minutes), stirring occasionally. Add the balsamic mixture and cook 1 minute, then cover the skillet, turn the heat down to medium-low, and cook until the veggies are tender (about 7 to 10 minutes), stirring occasionally and adding a splash of water if the pan gets too dry. Add the remaining minced garlic and cook 1 to 2 minutes more.

Spaghetti with Eggplant, Basil, & Breadcrumbs Pic. courtesy; Edible Mosaic

Toss the spaghetti in the skillet with eggplant mixture and cook to heat through (about 1 to 2 minutes). Turn off the heat and toss in torn basil, then transfer to 2 serving dishes and top each with the breadcrumb mixture.

A huge thank-you to Sanjeeta KK for the honor of guest posting! XO, Faith.

Thanks Faith for being a wonderful guest on ‘AFBHLS’ series and sharing some of your healthy-living secrets with us. Never would have thought of putting the humble eggplant (brinjal) to such a scrumptious looking treat! And Belly dancing, weight lifting…this sure sounds exciting, learning dance and keeping yourself fit too! And wish that customary ‘cup of coffee‘ never comes to me when I visit your home

Come over again to see what our next guest food blogger on ‘AFBHLS‘ has to share with us. She is a master baker with a sweet smile on her face, ever eager to help all with her seasoned cooking skills.

Awesome Food Bloggers and Their Healthy-Living Secrets

Velvety red cake from Ree

Chocolate souffles from Kristy

Dark chocolate chiffon cake from Rosie

Chocolate cake from Merry