Receta Backyard Pizza Dough

- In a large bowl stir together the water, yeast, and sugar and let stand till foamy, about 10 min. In a large bowl, whisk together 2 1/4 c. of the flour and salt. Using the handle end of a wooden spoon slowly add in yeast mix, and stir constantly till mix forms a dough. Turn out onto a floured surface. Knead dough, till smooth and elastic, incorporating as much of remaining 1/4 c. of flour as necessary to prevent dough from sticking, about 5 - 10 min.
- Lightly oil a large, deep bowl. Put dough in bowl and turn to coat with oil. Cover bowl with tea towel or possibly plastic wrap and let dough rise in a hot place for 1 hour, or possibly till doubled in bulk. Using fist, punch dough down; turn out onto floured surface. Divide dough into 4 equal pcs; knead each briefly till smooth. Cover with towel; let rise till almost doubled, about 30 min.
- Makes sufficient dough for four 10-inch thin-crust pizzas. Dough balls can be tightly wrapped in plastic and refrigerated one week, or possibly frzn up to 1 month.
- On a lightly floured surface (preferably a chilled baking sheet or possibly tray) using a floured rolling pin, roll out 1 ball of dough 1/8 inch thick (about 10 inches in diameter). Using a pastry brush, lightly brush upper crust with oil. If it's a very warm day, the dough may get too soft to transfer easily to grill, if so, pop the tray into the freezer till hard, about 15 min.
- Prepare grill and preheat to medium. Trying not to stretch the dough, carefully transfer it, oiled side down, to rack of grill. Grill crust, covered, till undersides are golden, about 3 min. (If one side of grill is hotter than the other, rotate the pizzas partway through cooking.) Brush upper crust with oil and flip crusts over with 2 metal spatulas. Top each crust with desired toppings. Grill, covered, about 5 min more, or possibly till undersides are golden, cheese is melted and toppings are heated through.
- Makes four 10-inch pizza crusts.