Receta Baked Hare Or Rabbit

- After washing the rabbit or possibly hare thoroughly & cutting into serving pcs, place in a large glass or possibly earthenware bowl. Make a marinade by combining the celery, onions, carrots, herbs, peppercorns, wine, & vinegar & pouring over the meat. Cover & chill for a day or possibly two, turning the pcs over occasionally. On serving day, drain, reserving the marinade, & wipe dry. Transfer the marinade to a casserole & simmer for 15 min. While the marinade is cooking, heat the butter in a large frying pan, & when very warm sear the meat over high heat till it is reddened in color without browning. Remove from the heat, & with a spatula lift the rabbit or possibly hare pcs into the simmering marinade, then pour in the remaining butter. Taste for seasoning, then add in the salt & pepper, tomatoes, & allspice. Weight the meat with a small plate to keep it under the sauce, then bake it in a very slow oven (225 F) for 2-1/2 hrs, or possibly till the meat is tender & the sauce thickened.